Call or Text 713-799-9999 Today
Bayview Plastic Surgery 300 East Medical Center Blvd. Webster, Texas 77598

Plastic Surgery procedures Houston

Procedures Offered at our Houston Plastic Surgery Practice

Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth offer a full menu of both cosmetic surgery procedures and non-surgical treatments for men and women in our plastic surgery office in the Clear Lake/Webster area of Houston, Texas. When making an important decision about cosmetic enhancements, the first step is to have a clear understanding of your desires and expectations. You’ll find that Houston plastic surgeons, Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth, can achieve the results you seek.

For women, an important aspect of Bayview Plastic Surgery is that we have a woman’s point of view–in fact, everyone in the office is a woman! From Drs. Hustak and Wentworth’s female perspective to the care given by her all-female surgical and clinical staff, we understand the unique needs of our female patients.

To learn more about a procedure, click on any topic below for more information.

Facial Procedures

Making decisions about changing your appearance can be both exciting and challenging. You’ll be glad to know that Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth have advanced training as well as years of experience. Her objective for Houston, Webster, Clear Lake and Pearland plastic surgery patients is to refine, rejuvenate, and enhance the real you. We are dedicated to bringing your cosmetic goals to life and, at Bayview Plastic Surgery, we’ll be with you every step of the way!

  • Eyelid Lift: Aging or genetically drooping eyelids can make you look tired. An eyelid lift is a simple procedure that will leave you looking more youthful and refreshed!

Breast Enhancements

A breast enhancement, such as an enlargement, lift or reduction is a cosmetic surgery that helps Houston, Texas women feel more attractive and confident. If you are considering a breast enhancement procedure, Houston plastic surgeons Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth can help you realize your dreams for a more beautiful bustline. Use our discreet online form to let us know how we can help you have the breasts you’ve always wanted.

  • Breast Augmentation: Saline or Gel-Filled breast implants can give you fuller breasts for a more beautiful silhouette!
  • Breast Lift: If your breasts sag as a result of aging, genetics or childbearing/breastfeeding, a lift can give you a perkier, more youthful appearance.
  • Breast Reduction: Breast reduction surgery reduces the weight and size of your breasts to alleviate back pain, neck pain and bra strap grooving due to oversized breasts.
  • Breast Implant Revision: Dissatisfied with a past breast implant procedure? Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth can help!

Body Sculpting

If you are considering a body contouring procedure such as liposuction, buttock lift or augmentation, a tummy tuck or a Mommy Makeover in Webster, Pear Land, Clear Lake or Houston, plastic surgeons Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth can help you achieve your dream body. Use our discreet online form to schedule your private consultation!

  • Arm Lift (Brachioplasty): An arm lift will tuck and tighten unattractive upper arms.
  • Body Lift: A “lifting” of the entire trunk (abdomen, flanks and back) to eliminate sagging due to aging or weight loss.
  • Buttock Lift: If you’d like a tighter, fuller tush, this procedure can give you a beautiful bum!
  • Labia Reduction: A reduction of large labia or reshaping of uneven labia.
  • Liposuction: Reduces unwanted fatty deposits in your abdomen, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, hips, flanks (“love handles”), back, neck, and arms.
  • Liposuccion en Espanol: Liposuccion asistida (SAL) se puede definir como procedimiento estético que quita el tejido fino de grasa subcutáneo del cuerpo humano en un intento por traer el cuerpo en conformidad con opiniones actuales de la atracción.
  • Mommy Makeover: Do you miss your pre-baby body? A Mommy Makeover includes a breast enhancement, tummy tuck and/or liposuction for a dynamic “do-over!”
  • Thigh Lift: removes excess skin and fat from the upper legs.
  • Tummy Tuck: For a flatter abdomen and elimination of stretch marks and excess skin, a tummy tuck is just the thing!
  • Abdominoplastia: Abdominoplastia es un procedimiento quirurgico para quitar el exceso de piel y grasa, y apretando los músculos abdominales

Skin Rejuvenation

Regardless of your age or gender, if you’re concerned about deep lines and wrinkles, hair in places you don’t want it, unsightly veins and capillaries, sun damaged skin or another skin condition, the experts at Bayview Plastic Surgery have the solution! Most treatments can be performed in under an hour, making it easy to fit them into your schedule, and recovery time is generally very short, so you can get back to your busy life immediately!

  • BOTOX® Cosmetic: This “wrinkle relaxer” will eliminate wrinkles between and around the eyes.
  • Juvéderm®: “Wrinkle fillers” will fill wrinkles and enhance the production of collagen.
  • Medical Grade Skincare: At Bayview Plastic Surgery we offer custom skin care products. Results are superior to over-the-counter products and we can create a skin care program that’s exactly right for your needs.

To schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth, call us at 713-799-9999, or complete our online contact form.

For more information on our consultation process, visit our Consultation page.